Coaching & ConsultationS

[Jasminne] can see not only what the writing is, and is not accomplishing, but also where the writing is trying to go. Her input was invaluable to my writing process.
— Daemond Arrindell, Goddard College Alumn

My Philosophy:

I believe in meeting writers where they are and pushing them forward with enough rigor and compassion to help them reach their goals. I ask a lot of questions and expect you to bring me yours. I have a critical eye and am straightforward in my feedback but always kind. I encourage writers I work with to push back and ask me “why,” because ultimately this is YOUR work and it is up to YOU to take the feedback that works and toss the rest! My hope is to create a safe and brave space where every writer feels like their story and their voice is heard and handled with compassion and care.

My Experience:

My “official paper” credentials include a B.A. in English Lit, an M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction and an MFA in Creative Writing. In the “real world,” I have taught creative writing in K-12 schools for over fifteen years and have over 5 years of experience as a low-residency MFA creative writing college professor. I have also worked as a writing workshop facilitator and mentor for various literary non-profits and orgs including Inprint Houston, WriteSpace, Writer’s League of Texas, Austin Bat Cave, Latinx In Publishing, Las Musas and others. I have a wealth of experience teaching diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds, experiences and abilities and I do it because it lights me up and brings me joy. I love to watch writers grow and I enjoy being a small part of their writing journey.


I offer...

Manuscript critiques for: poetry collections, picture books, & YA/MG novels in verse.

I can help you...

Set and reach your writing goals. Start or maintain a writing practice.
Stay motivated to finish a project.
Improve your public speaking/ reading or interview skills.
Learn about the writing craft, the publishing industry…& more!

You can also...

”Pick my brain” about publishing or writing.
Ask me to help problem solve an issue with a creative project.
Use me as a thought partner.

* Please note, using my services is not a guarantee that your work work will result in an offer of representation and/or publication, nor does it mean that my name can be used as a referral. Thank you.